by Susan Jenkins Writer | Apr 28, 2012 | Uncategorized
That’s how I’d have to describe the past 26 years (OK, I’ll go ahead and admit it – that’s the last half!) of my life. Twenty-six years ago today, I made a decision that changed everything about what living for God meant to me. In...
by Susan Jenkins Writer | Apr 23, 2012 | Uncategorized
If our emotions are God-given, and God works through them to allow us to feel both joy and sorrow, are they reliable indicators of how we stand with him? Does the Bible teach us to trust everything we feel to signal that we’re in right standing with God? We are...
by Susan Jenkins Writer | Apr 8, 2012 | Uncategorized
God intended for you to know, though it’s not so “one size fits all” simple, as some would have you believe. In last week’s blog, I went into detail about scriptures that are not compatible with the doctrine known as “eternal...
by Susan Jenkins Writer | Mar 31, 2012 | Uncategorized
Do you really believe the doctrine that one prayer could save you forever – no matter what? Let’s take a look at a doctrine I can speak to from the point of having believed it for my first twenty-seven years (or from whenever I started listening in...
by Susan Jenkins Writer | Mar 25, 2012 | Uncategorized
Who do you listen to? Everyone claims to be telling the “truth”, from the vile people who say it’s alright to practice abominations, such as homosexuality, and still fill their spineless pulpits, to the real men of God who preach what “Thus...