My Blog

When did the Gospel change?

Is the church today supposed to be like the church in the Book of Acts? If not, when did it change? Some things very obviously changed from the Old Testament to the New: 1) sacrifice for sin was completed by Jesus' work on Calvary (Hebrews 10:1-18) 2) eating foods...

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In your hands

"Today if ye will hear his voice, harden not your heart..." Psalm 95:7-8 How we hear the Word of God is in our hands. We have the power to soften or to harden our own hearts when the Word is preached: to respond with humble brokenness or with stiff pride. Many think...

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Uncle Tom’s Cabin, the Holocaust, and history in the making

What makes sane, intelligent people choose to follow a Hitler? To assist in rounding up, imprisoning, torturing, and murdering an entire race of people? The war to stop Hitler ended a mere fourteen years before I came on the scene of humanity, and it has held a sort...

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Cut loose!

So how long ago did you last try to use a pair of those kindergarten scissors? You know, the round-ended safety scissors that only cut paper -- or, maybe they'll cut paper, if you hold your mouth right.  You may remember trying to use them one night your child...

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So, what gets you?

You're strong, successful in your sphere of influence, important to people close to you -- perhaps even to some you'll never meet in person.  That didn't happen by accident. To accomplish what you have, you've chosen carefully the paths you've taken, rejecting what...

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Two things I bet you can’t do at one time
Two things I bet you can’t do at one time

Walk and chew bubblegum!  Oh, you've got that one?  Great!  (Just don't leave your gum on the sidewalk when you're done.) Pat your head and rub your tummy! Good with that one, too?  Wow, we're getting somewhere. How about saying "Thank you, God" for your job while...

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What’s your earliest faith memory?

They say a two year-old wouldn't be able remember much. I remember the barn burning. Not from what I was told, but the vivid picture of where I was sitting on the bed in the bedroom that doubled as a den and looking out the window.  And the flames. I don't...

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When you have time

What's your "one of these days, I'm gonna..." dream? You know, the "when I have the time, ..." thing. I don't have a "bucket list", maybe because I associate those with jumping out of airplanes or hang gliding in the Grand Canyon, and I think that could hurt -- a lot....

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What Is Your Quality Of Life?

I have to admit, I'm not looking forward to getting old. It's not even a real goal of mine, though I haven't picked out a time to "stop" getting older. I don't aspire to be 100, now that I'm over half-way there. Perhaps it's from watching at close range as my dear...

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Susan Jenkins

Susan enjoys savoring the life God has entrusted to her in the beautiful corner of the South she is blessed to call home. Check out Susan’s books in the link below.

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