My Blog

It is Finished
It is Finished

"It is finished!" Human history pivoted with the uttering of those words from the mouth of God, Who robed Himself in flesh and shed His own blood for our sins. The closing of one Testament and the opening of another was occurring before the bewildered eyes of His...

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Start to Finish – Here we go

 Well, by the help of the Lord, I did it. I hit "Send". What sailed off just then was a book -- the culmination of three years' work and thirty years' preparation -- and all the things the publisher requests with manuscripts submitted for publication. Now it's in...

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The Flood: Our story
The Flood: Our story

"It may actually get into our house this time." "Our house"  is a place I have visited since childhood,  home of a beloved cousin just far enough ahead in age to marry while I was a young girl, and to have never failed to provide adventures when we've gotten...

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Just don’t plan on doing anything tomorrow
Just don’t plan on doing anything tomorrow

The first week of our sixth year with Alpha Omega Christian Academy has just about come and gone. It's been a full one, with numerous challenges and rewards, but as a day or two off before the next week draws near, it seems like a good time to revisit this post from...

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End of a life? Or end of an era?

For me it marks the end of an era.  The passing didn't make the news, but it certainly affected me. You see, my earlier single years were impacted by a touch much gentler, more personable, and certainly more genteel than my own. That touch was embodied in three...

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Blessed like David or Just like David?
Blessed like David or Just like David?

I have no doubt that many people familiar with the biblical story of David — “The Poor Shepherd Boy Makes it to the Throne of Israel” heartwarming saga — would like to identify with the elevated king. After all, God promised him that he would bless his house,...

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The Pack

I had gone. . . with a multitude that kept holyday (Psalm 42:4) King David wrote in Psalms of going with the throng of worshipers to the house of God. Though sometimes he went there alone, he often spoke of testifying to the congregation -- telling of God’s...

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Sweet aromas? Offensive odors?

So there you are, snoozing away.  All is calm, quiet, peaceful. Then you hear it:  the whine.  Not one of the kids this time -- no, this is the whine of flight, the high-pitched sound of tiny wings. Near your head. You feel the brush of six little feet against your...

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Susan Jenkins

Susan enjoys savoring the life God has entrusted to her in the beautiful corner of the South she is blessed to call home. Check out Susan’s books in the link below.

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