My Blog

The Right Way to Be Wrong

Are you wrong? No? Are you sure? Is there a chance you could be in the wrong in some area of your life? Why would any writer start an article by asking such questions? Are we trying to lose readers here? Being told we are wrong can cut us to the very heart. We have...

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Strongly Rooted or Dangerously Disconnected?

There was no real reason to notice it that day—the strong, stately pine with a lone branch suspended over the narrow side street.  It was a familiar route I travel almost weekly, yet I was "seeing" this sight for the first time. Something about the way that bough shot...

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The road to Heaven is paved with…

"The road to hell is paved with good intentions." I am not sure who said it originally, but most people have heard that quote, which reminds us that plans alone can never pull us from a world of sin and ready us for everlasting life in that beautiful place where no...

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Running wild?
Running wild?

"Elephants belong only in the wild..." "They let that child run wild..." "I am just wild about Cajun cuisine..." "Wild cherry trees dot the edge of our wood line..." "Wild" brings images to mind of roaming free and being master of one's own destiny,  being...

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Me and Christmas 
Me and Christmas 

I know, it probably should be "Christmas and me". Or is it "Christmas and I"? You decide, as I talk about this unique phenomenon we call "Christmas" as seen through the lens of my heart. There are questions within the community of sincere believers as to whether this...

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Thank God for thanks-giving!
Thank God for thanks-giving!

Thanks-giving is a choice.  We often believe we are appropriately thankful, but when we take time to evaluate our choices in the not-so-pleasant situations, we come face to face with our true state of gratefulness. A little heart-check: are you more likely to utter...

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BUT IF NOT: Coming to a city near you
BUT IF NOT: Coming to a city near you

"Read it again, Mommy." I really don't remember the number of times, but I know they were many. I picture where they all took place.  As we snuggled in for bedtime reading after family prayer, my young daughter would ask for the story about the three Hebrew...

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Don’t move that Bible for me!

"Don't move that Bible for me! I don't get that many chances with God!" We were headed to lunch when I scooped up my Bible from the passenger seat to clear a spot for the social work intern to sit. Her protests would have amused me, except she seemed in dead earnest....

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Never stop dating

“Never stop dating!” That advice is given to those who want to know how to keep their relationship strong, perhaps from those who have realized just in time that their love had cooled and had to be rekindled. We often struggle in various types of...

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Susan Jenkins

Susan enjoys savoring the life God has entrusted to her in the beautiful corner of the South she is blessed to call home. Check out Susan’s books in the link below.

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