My Blog

The road to Heaven is paved with…

"The road to hell is paved with good intentions." I am not sure who said it originally, but most people have heard that quote, which reminds us that plans alone can never pull us from a world of sin and ready us for everlasting life in that beautiful place where no...

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Would You Be Able to Spot It?
Would You Be Able to Spot It?

You're looking, now, aren't you? What's in this photograph to be discovered? What's hidden among the leaves, not obvious at first glance, only to be spotted by an astute observer like yourself? I could have you searching for snakes, frogs, soldiers. . . all these have...

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Treasured Sacrifices
Treasured Sacrifices

These stared down death willingly so their flag-draped coffins could be brought back to a free nation. They journeyed far from home to ensure the threat was met on distant shores and not on the doorsteps of those they left behind to pray, to wait, and eventually to mourn.

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Up Is Just Backwards – Book Intro
Up Is Just Backwards – Book Intro

This episode of A Deeper Life podcast introduces my newly released upgrade of Up Is Just Backwards When You're on the Way Down, a compilation of thirty-one short inspirational writings intended to inspire, encourage and challenge you. It's available now on Amazon...

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We simply could not imagine
We simply could not imagine

The events we have remembered… should be enough to convince you that just because you have not yet seen a series of prophesied events unfold is no assurance that they are not even now beginning to unfold, every bit as dangerous and more so than what has been conveyed unto you.

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You need the Holy Ghost!

I am a conservative writer who uses superlatives sparingly. I do not beat people over the head with what I believe. Why the urgency in the title for this post? I assure you the emphasis does not begin to convey what I feel in my spirit. In the night I had a simple...

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Never stop dating

Never stop dating! That advice is given to those who want to know how to keep their relationship strong. It may often come from couples who realized just in time that their own love had once cooled and thankfully was rekindled. We often struggle in various types of...

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Susan Jenkins

Susan enjoys savoring the life God has entrusted to her in the beautiful corner of the South she is blessed to call home. Check out Susan’s books in the link below.

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